Tuesday 30 September 2014

Audience Consuming Habits

Audiences always have different ways of consuming the products. By consuming, we mean when, how and where people normal consume these products. To us this means how they consume our main piece (the trailer) and our ancillary products. Having information like is important to institutions in the media business because they need to get their product seen by their target audience regularly otherwise there advertising wouldn't successful draw a crowd. This is also effective information for our own product as we can advertise successfully and get it seen by our target market.
An example of companies using Consuming Habits to their advantage would be using social networking sites and the internet (like we find out below). There are now 500 million people registered on Facebook (as of 3rd October 2013). Such a huge amount of people in one concentrated place means millions of people have access to a page. If a company were to make a page on social networking site then it would clearly be a huge advantage. 
We asked ten people how they watch film trailers and where they see film posters. Below are the results;

The bar chart shows the different things people have said about consuming film posters. The data was Quantitative as it was about getting numbers, not detailed responses. The possible responses were; Cinema, bus stops, billboards and other. Cinema was the clear favourite scoring 5 out of ten.
This pie chart shows the consuming habits of film trailers, again, the data is quantitative because we just wanted a simple answer and not an in depth one. This time the possible answers were Cinema, internet, television and other. Cinema again scored 50 percent and is the clear favourite both for the ancillary products and the main task.

Using this information we can see where our task finished product will be most successful in terms of gaining an audience and being seen by as many people as possible. If we put our main and ancillary tasks into cinemas then it would (according to the interviews) be seen by more people. However that does not stop us from placing it elsewhere. The internet for example, only lost to cinema by a single person so it could still be an advantage to put it there too. The internet has a plethora of sites that are substantially famous all over the world. Sites like youtube, Facebook and twitter are perhaps the most famous around the world, by having the on their would mean a potential viewing by millions.

'500 million people registered on Facebook (as of 3rd October 2013)'
Accessed on 30/10/14

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