Friday 26 September 2014


Genre is defined as a style or category of art, music, or literature. Films have many different genres and all have their own traits, way of filming and affects on the audience. Genres can also overlap and a film could be more than one, like a Romantic Comedy or 'Rom-com'. Below is the different examples of Genres within film;


Action is usually filled with high budget special effects, stunts and car chases. Martial art films and spy films like the 'James Bond' franchise all come under this category. Perhaps the most famous recently are 'good guy hero' type films. Action Films are usually fast paced and anything can happen in them.

Bourne Ultimatum was a action film from 2007 which was a huge success worldwide. The Film stars Matt Damon who plays Jason Bourne who is 'trying to dodge a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer'.

The film grossed $227,137,090 in the US alone and had a budget of $110,000,000.       



The whole point of a comedy film is to make the audience laugh, usually fun and light-heartened story lines to amuse the audience. Comedy has many sub categories  spoofs and parodies, slapstick, screwball, romantic comedies, black comedy (dark satirical comedy), and more.

In 2008 the film 'Step Brothers' was released starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. The story line shows two men still living at home who are forced to get along because their parents marry. The film is very light-hearted but is aimed at an older audience through the jokes, language and screenplay.

This film didn't to great on its opening weekend but still grossed a profit, and it continues to be a favourite amongst many people.


Adventure films usually feature exotic lands and exciting story lines. Often feature historical events or figures or fictional adventures, disasters or a quest for something. This Genre is often characterised with action.

The 'Hobbit' franchise is arguably the most famous adventure films in recent time. Down to its star-studded cast and director, spectacular effects and huge budget. The Hobbit films also are a prequel to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy (LOTR) which is one of the most successful films of all time in terms of awards, profit and fan base. The three LOTR films are ranked 9th, 10th and 16th on the IMDB top 250 movies of all time.
'Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was the first film of the trilogy, released in 2012. It had a budget of 180,000,000 and grossed an impressive 303,000,000. 

Horror films are crafted to provoke fear, often terrifying the audience but at the same time entertaining them with plot twist and uncomfortable visuals, a strange satisfaction. They often go hand in hand with Sci-Fi films using monsters or aliens to scare the audience. They can also be vey serious story lines or even comedy storylines, but still provoke our darkest fears.
Insidious was released in 2010 and follows the struggle of a family trying top stop their Son 'Dalton' being taken to a realm called 'the further' by evil spirits. The film shows paranormal happenings but also demons in a gripping tale.
Insidious had a budget of  $1, 500,000 and grossed upwards of 30,000,000 .

Epic / Historical

These types of films include costume dramas, war and often have vast magnificent backdrops. Epics take an historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure (like a God) and add an extravagant setting and period costumes, accompanied by triumph and spectacle. Epics often have a huge production value.

Troy, 2014 starring Brad Pitt and Eric Bana, tells the tale of Achilles and the assault on Troy by the Greeks. It depicts huge backdrops and an enormous amount of extras.

Troy had a budget of $175.000.000 and grossed a whopping 133.000.000.


Crime focuses on the actions of criminals and gangsters whether they be fictional or non-fictional. Bank-Robbers, hoodlums and underworld figures are all main focus points for crime films. These types of films are often categorised as Film noir or detective-mysteries because of similarities between the two. Crime films often give us an insight to the alien world of crime and gangs.

Gangsta Squad was released in 2013 and portrays the story of a group of police officers trying to take down a ruthless mob king. The film Stars Ryan Gosling and Sean Penn.

The Film had a budget of $60.000.00 and managed to make a profit, however the film failed to impress viewers who ranked it poorly in IMDB.

All Figures taken from IMDB (Internet Movie Database)

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