Monday 15 September 2014

Research into existing product - This is it

As both Alex and I are doing a trailer for a documentary following a music band, evidently it was a good idea to look into documentaries which already exist on music bands and artists. I used the IMDb website to find the highest grossing US box office documentaries on music bands and artists.
(Top US Grossing music documentaries) Avaliable from:
[Accessed: 9th September 2014)

Here is the second highest grossing film in the US, Micheal Jacksons 'This is it'  (sourced  Top US Grossing Music Documentaries) From

The 'This is it' documentary was all behind the scenes footage filmed while he was rehearsing for his 'This is it' show. Unfortunately he died before the show went ahead, but with all the footage which was filmed during rehearsals, sony decided to create a documentary out of it. This isn't you're typical music documentary trailer, because it doesn't show where he came from as a child, it just shows the rehearsals, and what the show would have been like if it were to go ahead.
Here is the trailer for the film: (accessed 9th September)

In this trailer there are only two sound tracks, which both build up, much like the different shots do, as the music gets quicker, the cuts between two different shots do too. This helps to build the anticipation of the film, and what is coming next. Even when people are talking or there is diagetic  sound in the back ground the baking track continues to play. The people who edited the trailer together cleverly used diagetic and non-diagetic sound together to create the illusion of and organised chaos. The whole trailer all looks very grand, very much like Micheal Jacksons life, and if we were to make our band look very grand and statement, we need to look further into people such as Micheal Jackson.

Unlike most music based documentaries this document is all in one location, 'The Staples Centre' this is where rehearsals took place and where most of the filming took place. This helps to keep the trailer less complicated and gives an insight to what the actual film will be like. In this trailer, there are other people shown quite a lot too, not just the main guy, which in this case is Michael Jackson. Because we are going to look into a band for our film trailer, we evidently will be looking into more than one person. The band we are looking into are more of the Indie genre, rather than pop. So even though Micheal Jackson and the band we are looking into will be from two different genre's we will still take ideas from this film trailer, as it is a very well excited film trailer.

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