Tuesday 9 September 2014

Sound City

Sound City is a documentary directed by Dave Grohl. Front man of Foo fighters, former drummer for Nirvana and personal hero. Sound city focuses on the famous record label 'sound city'. I thought this would be a good choice as I've already watched it, have easy access to it, and actually listen to the music and artist featured on the film. The film also got outstanding views scoring a 7.8 on IMDB. If you delve deeper you can also see viewers scoring it 10 out of 10 with one user stating "I give this a 10. It's absolutely brilliant from start to end. I was just sad... it ended."

Despite not focusing on one band in particular like ours is expected to do, it still features a plethora of 'documentary' style shooting and stills. The film features old photos and bits of video which is something I like. It looks authentic and covers a wide range of target audience with the years it covers. Something similar this could be recreated in our trailer and was one of the ideas we had.
I also wanted to include some hand-held shots, I thought this be a good idea because then the film would be intimate and the audience would be connected to the 'band' in the film because they're seeing everything from there perspectives.  It also means more shot types could be used. A  problem with this method however, is that hand held maybe a bit amateur looking.

I will tackle this problem by only having the band members use handheld so the viewer knows what's happening, also using very little handheld means it shouldn't be a problem.   Sound city also helps with the problem because it shows a mixture of both hand held and normal camera shots and it to uses very little handheld but the bits it does use looks effective and are thoroughly enjoyed.


Sound City's soundtrack features songs from the artist in the film, this was done because the viewers enjoy that type of music and its relevant to what's being seen on screen. Some example of songs used are; 
Crying in the Night
Written by Stevie Nicks
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Written by Kurt Cobain/Dave Grohl (as Dave Grohl)

You Don't Know How It Feels
Written by Tom Petty

All the artist above feature in the film whether it be an interview or a recording taken in the past. For our production we were going to do the same with our band recording our own soundtrack that we wrote ourselves and will perform ourselves for the trailer.

Sound city shows a lot of still images of past events, this will be a feature that wont be in our trailer. I feel it wont have the same effect as its only a trailer and maybe confusing for the audience and will not prove any real use within the clip. As its only a trailer we don't have time to feature every convention of a documentary.

                                                An example of a still shot in Sound City
Sound city being the name of the record label means that obviously most of it is set in a recording study. The same study is shown in the past with videos shot in past years, and also in the modern wth artist performing in the present.

I had an idea that we would interview 'famous' people in the music industry, when watching sound city we discovered that it does the same.

This is a shot featuring Dave Grohl. Many interviews are shown throughout the film in different locations. these could include; Own houses, vehicles, studios, bars and just about anywhere possible.

This clip is Sound City's soundtrack but depicts a band playing live and as an actual band rather than as individuals. This same technique is also something desired from my own trailer showing multiple clips like this throughout.

Many different shots are shown, below is a list of shots that we would like featured in our trailer and examples from sound city. Next to them is the time they appear on the clip above;

Close ups of the guitar being played at "0:22"
Close up singing and microphone at "0:40"

The clip looks very professional and slick with smooth transitions and a variety of different shot types. The clip appears to be done by a camera on a steady cam. We have access to a steady cam at school and out so these shots can be executed.

IMDB (2013) Sound City
Available; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2306745/reviews?ref_=tt_ov_rt
[accessed 8/9/2014]

I give this a 10. It's absolutely brilliant from start to end. I was just sad... it ended. (depastana, 2013)

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