Tuesday 18 November 2014


We have reviewed our blog and said, what is going well, and what we need to improve on. By pointing what we are doing well, will help us with what we should do more of. By pointing out what we are not doing well, or what we need to improve on, it gives us direct help on the ares which are in need of improvement. For example one area would be that when Alex and I are posting on to the blog, we may do a post by ourselves and we need to remember that both of us have imputed in to that post, not just the one of us, even if one of us is just writing up the post. We need to remember to put 'We' not 'I'.

This print screen below is of a feedback sheet, that we gave feedback on and our teacher gave feedback on. With us putting our input in on this sheet we know what we are doing well and what we need to improve on. I feel that this is important for us to know, because it helps us know where we are with our blog.

The parts highlighted in green are the parts we need to improve on, but are more of a generic improvement. The part in green font are the things we need to improve on just for us. These improvements were pointed out by our teacher. Getting feedback from a teach who teaches in media studies was helpful. This was because she knows what she is talking about and what a good blog should look like. Evidently this gave us great heal in improving ours.

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