Tuesday 9 December 2014


We have decided that our band will be called 'Fogg'. We called our band this because, Alex is in his own band and this is what his band is called. We considered naming the band something else however we thought that this would then create us extra work that we didn't need to do. The name 'Fogg' wasn't created to mean anything. That is when Alex named his band that. He didn't want the name to have some hidden meaning or for him to pretend that it had some meaning.
Because we are doing a documentary on this band, we evidently we would want the name in the title of our film so we had to come up with a name that would fit. We came up with the name; 'The Unfortunate Fortunate Life of Fogg' We came up with this because we both liked the idea of having an oxymoron in the title as we thought it would be catchy. We also wanted to have an element of risk in our title, much like our film is slightly risky. The fact our title is difficult to say, makes they viewer think about what they are saying, or how to say the title. This means that the more they think about saying the name of the film, the more curious they will be about the film.
With the title of our film now finalized, we now needed to think of ideas for our film poster. We want something much like the film posters that we have researched into, simple, but straight away evident to the viewer what the film is about.

This image here is a practice shot we decided to have a play around with. We like the font in this image, because it is simple and straight to the point. We want our film trailer to be much like this, so that the viewer will straight away know what it is about and what they can expect from our film. We chose this image to use to experiment with, because it straight away screams music, which is evidently what our film is about. However it didn't quite have the grand effect that we were hoping for. For us we feel that it looks to simple, and not professional enough.

This image here is the one we feel that we are going to use for our film poster. We chose this image because it has the scale that we are looking for. Even though it is not an image of our band, you cane see who it actually is, so we are going to say that it is our band performing. This was an image I took while I was working on a tour with a band. Both Alex and I thought that it worked well for our film poster, and this is why we plan on using it. We also like the beam of light that is pointing on to the band, makes them look more superior and makes them the focus piece. Another thing that also fits perfectly are the words on the poster that the girl is holding up. The say 'I won't let our memory go' it was actually just luck that the girl was holding this poster, but it fits perfectly for us as it is setting up a story for our film, without being to obvious.

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