Tuesday 6 January 2015

Character Profile and Scripts

The trailer will focus on a band, we decided to keep the band at only two people because this would be so much easier to organise, if we just had to re-shoot a simple shot, or even just having to meet up and film having to organise loads of people would be a hassle and stressful, instead if it was only two there would be more a chance that we're free at the same times when we need to get something done.

We came to the decision that I (Alex) would be one of the members of the band, having it this way comes with its many advantageous and these are used to support our choice;

  • I always know when I'm available so don't have to fuss organising somebody else
  • I can shoot things myself if we need anything
  • If the actors need to act something out, I know exactly what I want so can do it with ease
  • I have all the necessary props (instruments etc)
  • I wont get offended if I do something wrong
The other member of the band will be one of our close friends. We believed this would be the best idea because you can always meet up with them and it wouldn't be awkward or uncomfortable when filming. Its gravely important that they feel comfortable when shooting so the acting is better and they can take criticism, hence our choice in the other member being a close friend of ours. Taking all the specification into account we decided we would use our friend Joel Thomas to be our second member. He doesn't feel uncomfortable in front of the camera and he too has many instruments and musical gear that we can use in our trailer. We know this from a combination of multiple factors; he featured in my Media Foundation Portfolio as a band member and he is also in our existing band Fogg (which the trailer is about).

In terms of the script, there will be very little work needed for one. We came to the mutual decision not to have a lot of dialogue and the only dialogue featured would be at the beginning when 'famous' people are being interviewed. We wanted to capture and exaggerate the bands popularity and so conjured up the idea to have the interviewees speaking different languages like french and spanish as well as English.

Spanish Speaker;

"Todo el mundo sabe que están Fogg, joven o viejo, todo el mundo"

This translated into English is "Everybody knows who Fogg are, young or old, everybody" This is just a translation taken off Google translate and so maybe inaccurate so in order to have it double checked, we will ask a Spanish teacher at our school.

French Speaker;

"No fue por el dinero o la fama, sólo la música"
This translates to "It was not about money or fame, just the music" again we will get this verified by a language teacher. By having people from 'all over the world' makes the audience believe that the band are a worldwide phenomenon and exaggerates their success.

English Speaker;

"They just took the world by storm and nobody even noticed...they were unstoppable"

For the English speaker we were going to have another musician who would be labelled as 'the drummer' and will be included throughout the trailer in various shots. Having prepared the script, shooting will be much more efficient as we are prepared and everyone will know there lines.

For a back-plan for our trailer, we might experiment with a voice over, like the one below;

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