Tuesday 8 July 2014

Idea - Alex

We chose to do the movie trailer and poster as our task. As a group, we felt this could be something new and exciting but also a chance to show off skills and creative flare that could get us the highest grade possible.

For our trailer we've decided on doing a documentary film on a 'famous' band. Being a documentary means it has more of a chance of standing out from all other trailers that other students may produce, as not many blockbuster films are documentaries it could be advantageous to attempt it as it could be something new and unfamiliar that the viewers may enjoy.

We decided to do a documentary on a band as its something both Holly and I have experience in and have access to many props and equipment we would need (namely instruments and band members). Also, being a band the actors can do just about anything but can still look like they are in a band- like being shown on the news for example. This could mean we could get a vast range of shots that wouldn't be repetitive or stereotypical to a documentary or band.

We could take examples from the stone roses 'made of stone' documentary or other bands as examples that we could take ideas from. This documentary was incredibly successful because its rarely been done before, which we are hoping could mean ours is as coveted as the stone roses'.

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