Tuesday 15 July 2014

Practice using Final Cut and evaluation

I decided to do a type of preliminary task to get used to using the Final Cut program. I did this so that when it comes to actually filming and making my video, then I will be able to know who to use it a bit better, with the help of tutorials. I know that the standard of this video isn't very high, but what I aimed to achieve out of this was to know the basics of how to use this software so that I don't get confused. This is why I have place music over the top of the audio, and used different types of transitions, again so that I could see how the program worked. Here is the piece I did;


Evaluation Questions:
1: To What extent have you adhered your brief?

Alex and a friend did some filming out of school, where they gathered some shots together that they could use n order to create their preliminary task. I then used some of these shots they had filmed in order to learn how to use Final Cut. We wanted to base the shots on danger and the fascination with danger and fear that young people have. This is why the shots were filmed in a dangerous looking place. We wanted to concentrate on the fact that young people need danger in their lives to achieve a high social status between their peers, and why this is a necessity in young peoples lives. Hopefully the shots that both Alex and I captured and created began to show this.

2: How effective is your main product?

The preliminary task that Alex and I did we did separately, so that we would both have something to put on to our blog. We also did this so that I would have a proper chance to be able to work with final cut, and understand how it works to that I could actually product my own product and have a good idea on how the software works. Personally I don't think that my product is very effective. This is because I used my preliminary task to have a play around with the soft ware, so my aim want to have an effective but to have gained some knowledge on how the software works, and personally I feel that this is something I achieved, and I am much more confident with using the software. However I feel that Alex product is very good, and it is effective. It is something to be proud of, and I look forward to filming and editing along side him.

3: How did you use media technologies in the production and post production stages? What have you learnt about these technologies and how to use them?

Like I have previously stated, I used Final cut for the whole of this production. In the beginning I hated using this software because I had never used the product before. The more I used it the easier I found it to use, and Alex did show me how to use the basics, so that when it does come to actually creating our final product, then I will also be able to help with the editing and the filming process. I have learnt that Final cut isn't as hard as I had originally thought. I also learnt how to upload my video on to my blog which was something I didn't know how to do before.

4: What Have you learnt from this preliminary task video?

I have learnt that filming and editing isn't going to be as hard as I originally thought, and I look forward to actually starting. Before I started my preliminary task, I was very unsure that this was something I wanted to do because the filming put me off, but now I have done it, I understand that there is nothing to fear. I have also learnt that it is very easy using this software to make something look professional if you are patient enough with it.

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