Tuesday 16 September 2014


This year, we don't only have one final product, we have three to make. One of them is a poster for the film we are creating. As we have decided to do a documentary We need to research existing film posters, and what ideas they have. We have decided to go down a more indie genre so I will look more in to indie music documentaries, as it wouldn't be that beneficial to Alex and I to look in to different genres as we may not take many ideas from these, and as time is tight, it could be more of a waste of time than something productive.

Sound City

Here is the film poster to 'Sound City'. This film is about an old recording studio which looks like it is going to close, then gets turned into one of the most famous music studios of all time.
Personally I really like this poster, as it is simple and effective. You eyes are instantly drawn to the amp which has the name of the film on and also the name of the studio on. Even though the poster gives away no information about the film, other than the name, you automatically know it is going to be a film to do with music. By having the film name as the name of the studio, it gives people an indication about what the film is going to be like about, without actually giving any information about the film or the studio.
By having the amplifier slightly to the left, it shows that the studio the film is about doesn't take its self too seriously, or it would have been in the center. However there is only the amp I the poster, showing that the studio is only concentrating on the music, and that is what the film will be about. If there were other things in the poster, it would indicate that the film isn't only about a studio, and that it has a father story line not involving the studio. The colours are kept very original in this poster, meaning that it not going to be a fancy film, thus not taking the attention off of the studio and the story line. Furthermore none of the colours are bold, and stand out, even though the amp stands out against the background, it also at the same time blends in with the colour scheme. All of the colours are based around the sepia colour affect. It actually looks like the photo as a whole has had a sepia filter put on it, to join all of the elements in the image together.
This poster is something we will more than likely look at to give us ideas for our poster for our film. This is because this film is our genre of film and also we both like the simplicity of both the film and its poster. We want our film to be like this; effective but not over the top, and I feel that the theme of this poster will help us achieve this.

Made of stone

Above is the 'Made of Stone' poster. Straight away the audience knows it is going to be about The Stone Roses. This is because again the title of the film has what the film is mainly about in it. I feel that this is a very clever play on words, and it is something we should defiantly consider when deciding the name of our film, as it looks like most film documentaries have either the name of the band or something major to do with that musician or story line. The effect of the bright coloured letters on this agains the dark background is very effective, it catchers the audiences eye straight away. Evidently we can see that the background is very black, making it easy for anything to stand out. There is a picture of him in the background with the audience trying to reach him. This image is also in monochrome, however with the whites part being his face, showing that this guy will be a very important part in this film. It makes the poster look effective, as it shows that this man has a very power influence on people and his audience, therefor showing that the film will have the same effect. By using the image of him on the poster, it automatically shows that the film is going to have scenes in it from their live shows, and helps to give more of an insight into the film its self. 

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