Monday 22 September 2014


 Both me and alex decided that we needed visit the locations we were going to use. This is because it would be beneficial to us if we photographed our locations before we actually shot there. This is because we would then know what the locations looked like behind the camera, and wether or not they are suitable for our film trailer. We didn't get chance to visit all of the locations that we wanted to, because we began to ran out of time. However these are locations we can visit later on when we have the time.

Location 1:

Above is a picture of a music studio. In the wall in the background there is a drum head signed by the band 'Journey' We thought that this would look good in our shot, as Journey are a well know band and by having something signed by them it makes the studio look professional, and also makes the band look bigger than they are. Furthermore there is good light in the studio, as it has the correct lights in the right place. This means that this will save us time when it comes to filming, because we won't have to mess around with the lighting and getting them in the correct place. 

Location 2:

Here is an image of a drum kit with the light shining above it. We thought that this would be a good place to do an interview, as it would fit in with the theme of our trailer well. It also looks like an edgy and quirky place to film, thus appealing to our target audience. I feel that the light also works quite well here, because the drum kit is lit well, and shows the colours off well, however it isn't too light, and there is no natural light in the studio, which a real music studio wouldn't have. 

Location 3:

Although this shot isn't a real location, we thought we could use it, because we thought that it would be a good image to do a shot though, as it would be a strange angle and look very different to the traditional shot types. 

Location 4: 

This is the last location we photographed. I know it is technically not a great image, however it was more the location we were bothered about. We thought that the location would be good, as it looks like somewhere one of the band members would live or relax. We thought that this would be a good place to interview someone. Furthermore the room has a lot of natural light, thus making it easier to light.

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