Tuesday 23 September 2014

Soundtrack-Imcompetech Review

The soundtrack of any trailer or film is perhaps one of the most important elements,

for our soundtrack my main idea was to record our own music, which at this stage will still be possible. But just in case that doesn't work i have been searching for sights that offer loyalty free music that could be used in  our project. Copyright laws and loyalty etc can all be a problem when trying to use music of the internet. Many music online is all copyrighted and would be unavailable for use in our project, this was something i had to be careful about. 


The above link is to the website Incompetech.com and offers hundreds of music that is all okay for use.
Below shows all the categories that are offered by the website and there is no limit to how many can be downloaded, so i believe this would be a good back up plan in case recording doesn't work out. A plethora of tracks are available and can be tailored to fit around what you see on screen. More than can also be used and added together to make a customised track that is better suited to the video. this would be a great advantage as a range of sounds can be used to keep the audience tuned and the video interesting. 

The website itself is also very easy to navigate and has everything you need to find using tabs below. However if you're looking for something specific the search bar doesn't do any favours, so you will have to scroll through countless soundtracks to find one that fits in adequately.
This could be incredibly time consuming and stressful.  

To conclude, the website offers great choice and has no download limit (as long as you sign up). It is also copyright free which means it can be used in our own work which I the reason it appealed to us. However it does have its flaws, mainly the fact that it takes up a lot of time going through the soundtracks to find one that fits. Time that could be dedicated to more productive things.

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