Monday 2 February 2015

Target Audience

Due to our trailer focusing on a band, the primary audience will be limited to 'metaphorical' fans of the band (because they don't actually exist as a band). They will be most interested in the band as they have the biggest connection.

Fans usually follow bands on social media or other devises and tend to know what the band is up to or what they can expect from them; i.e. shows or events. As a result they would be aware that the film is being made, release dates and content etc. They would make up the biggest part of the target audience as they are most likely to want to watch it and go out to cinemas and theatres to spend money, not only that they would also contribute to the marketing and distribution of the film as they could spread the word on media sites like Twitter and Facebook or just word of mouth.

The screenshot above depicts the twitter page for the very famous bands Foo Fighters. This is linking
 to the idea of the chosen target audience marketing the trailer. As you can see, this particular band has 1.9 million followers which is huge, each person would see what the Foo Fighters have tweeted, so simply by writing something on twitter, 1.9 million people would see it, most of these followers will
be fans of the band so they will all see it, and these people are most likely to watch the trailer.

There will also be a secondary audience in the form of general music fans or people interested in music. This would mean even if they are not fans of the band they still know of them, and this maybe enough to influence them to watch the trailer, either because they are slightly interested in the band or just for entertainment. By having this information on the primary and secondary audiences we can cater to there needs and expectations in order to appeal to both parties. Perhaps is mpre important to appeal to the primary audience but if we appeal to the secondary just as much, it will maximise popularity and not limit our target audience.

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