Monday 9 March 2015

Drafts of Magazine Cover

Much like the designing of our film poster, the designing of the cover of our magazine also came with a lot of drafting. We wanted our cover to look professional, and original so this wasn't an easy task we set ourselves up for. Because I like the image so much of the microphone, I decided to try and make it work for our magazine cover;

Even though the image is a great image and I think is perfect for our film, I don't think it works as a cover. Because our cover has to have a fair amount of information on it I feel that it takes the simplicity away from the image, and it just doesn't quite work. It is a shame because it is a nice image however, it's not right for the cover.

I decided to change the image I used to try and make the cover work;
Personally I think that this image works much better, and also gives a good insight to what the film will be about. I tried to keep the colour scheme simple, so for example, the yellow I used is the same yellow of the singers trousers. I did this in an attempt to keep the title of the film linked to the cover image, and I think I achieved this. However I am not sure whether I like the colour of the background in this image. Below I decided to change the image to black and white;

Personally I feel that the image in black and white works much better. I decided to keep the two different coloured fonts, because the colours are opposites on the colour spectrum meaning that by clashing they work well together. I also decided to move the name of our film up slightly, so that the writing isn't covering any of the person. 
Even though 'Empires' isn't the name of an actual magazine, we feel that it is too similar to the film magazine 'Empire' and as I stated earlier we wanted our cover to be original, so we didn't want to use this name as it would't be sticking to our plans for our cover. For our final cover, we will have to think of a new name for our magazine. 

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