Monday 9 March 2015


Before coming to our final ancillary tasks we obviously created many drafts of film posters, and magazine covers. We didn't intend on making many drafts but as time went along our ideas changes, along with our ideas on what we would like our ancillary's to look like. We also had different ideas to each other as to what we would like our ancillaries to look like.
For our film poster, we both liked the idea of using the image below;

Even though we both loved this image, it fitted really well with the theme of our film, and it is an original image that I took myself, we couldn't use it. We couldn't use it because the people in the image aren't actually our actors, they are another band. Our teacher stated that she would have to take marks off of us, because even though it is an original image, they are not our actors. 

We then went on to looking at designing new film posters, and trying to use different images. Here is another image I tried;
This we something we both really liked, but we both felt that it didn't give enough information to what our film is actually about. We also felt that the title of the film poster didn't stand out enough, as it wasn't the first thing that your eye was drawn to. However we did like the idea of doing a landscape film poster, so this is something that we decided to stick with. 

To try and make the meaning more obvious to what our film is about, I decided to explore the idea of 'behind the scenes' and tried to capture this in an image.
This image here is one of my favourite images I have taken, I think it is really affective and shows a slight insight to what our film is actually about. I think by it being in black and white, it makes it much simpler, yet striking. The viewers eye is drawn straight away to the microphone, which was the intent. However Alex wasn't to keen on the layout, so we didn't go with this one. 

A final draft we did of our film poster was this one;

Again we both liked this image, and we thought it was of great quality, however we went back to the problem we had at the start, in that this wasn't one of our actors, so we couldn't really use this image. We both liked the font used on this, so this is something we could take when creating our final film poster. 

Another draft we produced was a logo to appear in our film. As discussed earlier, we couldn't use anybody else's work whether it was a logo or a photo. We wanted to created our own logo's so we drew one out, then edited it in photoshop. We changed the colours to inverse, so that the drawing was in white and the background was in black. We also added text to it, so that it looked more like a professional logo. However we never actually ended up using the logo on any of our posters or trailer, because it just didn't fit with any of out work. However here is the final piece we produced;

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