Thursday 5 February 2015


As you are already aware the title of our film is 'The Unfortunate Fortunate life of Fogg'. Because the title is quite long its hard to fit it in most places, like magazine covers and posters. There was talks to change the name but they were quickly dismissed as we love the title already, its quirky and different and stands out from modern conventions of short titles. Having it this long is also enough to make it memorable for the viewers and the target audience.As a consequence of the long title we needed to come up with a way of styling it that could continue from the trailer onto the poster.

Above, is just a simple brainstorm of ideas made on photoshop. As a result of our title being long there is more room for manipulation and more room for different designs, this could work to our advantage. In the end we chose;
We chose this because we really liked how simply and effective it was.
We believed the emphasis on the word 'FOGG' would really make it clear to what the film is about rather than the audience having to read a whole sentence that within which all the words are the same size. Having fogg bigger almost make 'unfortunate fortunate life of' a tag line, so they only have to read 'fogg' to understand the films purpose but the rest just adds a little more to it, making it ore artistic and interesting in the eyes of the audience. This style was also the most space-effective. Its least likely to look crammed or stretched than the others.

However, when it came to the ancillary of the magazine cover (see below) it proved to be difficult to work with so we had to compromise and went for a different style. The one in the top left of the first image is the one we went with, it just worked better with the space and the context of the magazine. We also didn't choose to go with a fancy font and instead went for one that was already installed on the Mac's. We chose 'Tw cen MT'. The font is simple and in block because we didn't want people to focus on the style more just the words them self. But also because of the long title it may get difficult to clearly read each word, if its simple it minimises that risk.
(this cover is just a draft)

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